The “Jugendwohnzimmer to-go” project initiates an easily accessible space – e.g. a large carpet on a meadow – where young people and young adults up to the age of 27 with and without migration and refugee experience from all over Saxony can come together. Due to the lack of social equality between different social groups (especially young refugees, migrants, but also young people without experience of migration/immigration), we work together on topics such as “social justice”, “solidarity” and “civic engagement”.
The project primarily aims to focus on the lack of equal treatment within the young peoples’ groups.
In light of the war in Ukraine, these topics have gained new relevance.
“Jugendwohnzimmer to-go” aims to strengthen the participants’ self-esteem, their interests and their democratic and social participation. At the same time, prejudices and stereotypes are to be broken down, tolerance and empathy between different groups promoted and a spirit of solidarity created.
The “Jugendwohnzimmer to-go” project not only creates a space for encounters and dialogue, but also enables young people to actively participate in society. The project will be implemented in all districts of Saxony over a period of five years:
2024/25: Saxon Switzerland Osterzgebirge (incl. the city of Dresden) and Meißen
2025/26: Görlitz and Bautzen
2026/27: Northern Saxony and the district of Leipzig (incl. the city of Leipzig)
2027/28: Central Saxony (incl. the city of Chemnitz) and the Erzgebirge district
2028: Zwickau and Vogtland district
The following event formats are organised annually
Kick-off events: Kick-off camp and picnics, where experiential educational activities are carried out and participants get to know the project topics and each other.
Transcultural meetings & educational programmes: group activities, e.g. on the topics: Presentation of countries of origin, political situation in the countries of origin, exchange about own arrival processes in Germany.
Educational excursions: Visits to social centres and political institutions to gain an insight into social structures.
Final event: The participants realise small public projects, such as a theatre play or a photo exhibition, which reflect the project content.
If you are interested in a co-operation or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.