International Football Cup “Luis Hernandez Cup 2024” in Dresden-Hellerau!
We cordially invite you to our recreational tournament. We look forward to welcoming everyone who wants to spend a great day on the football pitch with us on Whit Monday 20.05.24 and share our cosmopolitan attitude. Fun, good humour and the fair-play character of street football will be at the forefront on this day. In memory of the deceased player Luis Hernandez, we want to organise a great tournament on this day.
When: Whit Monday, the 20.5.2024 10-18:00 o’clock
Where: VFB Hellerau-Klotzsche e.V.
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 53, 01109 Dresden
Small field tournament 6+1 + fair play points + surprise
The teams will be divided into two groups according to personal ability.
The participation fee is 10€. If it is not possible to pay this, please let us know and we will find a solution.
If you have cool ideas or want to present your project, let us know, we will be happy to support you.
Vegan treats and drinks will be provided by us for a donation.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Please register/ask questions using the registration form (see below)
You can register as a team of at least 7 players from the age of 15.